Labels:reckoner | sky OCR: abdefghiikmnopgrstuvwHez ABCOEFGHIJHL MNOPQRSTUYWHYZ beL9StE210 @#52n *[] <.[]{}15 "P? The ouicl brewn fOH jumps OVEF the lazt dog. The quick brown fOy scwn! over the lazt dog. 24 The quick brown foH iumps over the F2e1 dog. The quich brown fOH SOWn! Jano the dog. The UmOJq foH SOWNI Jano the 6281 dop The UmOJg foH iUmps JanO the h2ej bop The UmOJO foH jumps Jan0 the 0123456789 lazy ouick jumos sdwn 0mOJq 62e1 UmIOJ4